7 Things to Look For in a Home Based Business

What are the things you should look for when you choose a home based business? That is a question often asked to me. Now, I’ve tried many different things, made a lot of mistakes, and also I’ve wasted a lot of money online. In my opinion, it is okay to waste money trying new things but when you waste money on things people already tried and failed on, then you’re just being a complete idiot. I’ve failed many times and wasted a lot of money, so learn from my experiences and failure so you don’t need to fail anymore.So what are the things you should look for when choosing a home based business:1. A Unique ProductThe first thing you should look for in a home business is a business that offers a unique product. You should never join a business that product is already filled with competitors, where the niche is already saturated. Perfect examples for this are vitamins, juices, pills, and lotions, these kinds of products are often found in MLM opportunities.These kinds of old school marketing niches are bad businesses or products if you want to get a decent amount of income online or a successful business going for a long time.Now, what you want is a product that appeals to many people but doesn’t have too many competitions yet. When you sell pills to lose fat, you can only sell that to fat people, correct? Try finding a product that can be sold to all people.2. A Great Support Team And NetworkThe second thing to look for when you choose a home based business would be a great support network. Unless you’re someone that is an expert on Internet Marketing or you’ve many experiences you would want to choose a home business that offers a great support network that you can rely on when you run into problems and you need solutions.A great support network would be like a forum, this is the place where you get personal and specific solutions for you problem. A 1-800 number would be perfect, it allows you to call and talk directly with the support team. A personal sponsoring consultant or mentor like me, I often get questions from my members and it’s my responsibility to help them and answer them. So having a personal sponsoring consultant is a great idea. Webinars and live conference calls that is held on a daily basis would be great too, this is the place where you could interact with the other members here.So when you choose a home based business, make sure that your business has all of those. Those are the things you must look for in a home based business.3. An Honest Company ManagementThe third thing would be an honest company management. When you choose a home based business to start on, make sure you know the company management. This is a must when you decided to be on a long term business with the company. You would want to know what type of individual runs the company. A person with a good track of success record and good reputation is someone you want to work with.Now, you don’t want to wake up one day and watch that your CEO has ran away with all your money in the news.4. A Great Marketing SystemThe next one is a great marketing system; this is a really important thing to look for in a home based business. Now, it doesn’t matter if you have the greatest product in the world but you’re not marketing it or you don’t have a great marketing system to help market your product, it’s useless. It’s completely useless because you won’t be making any success or any money if you don’t market your product, which having success is the whole point on why you are in this business.Now, let me give you an example, my mom makes a better burger than McDonald but McDonald makes billions where my mom don’t make any money. Why? Because my mom never markets her product, that’s why she never make money from making burger.There are three things you want to look for when choosing a great marketing system:1. Would you want to do it?The first thing is you need to ask yourself would you want to do it. Now, you need to know a lot of old school MLM systems actually tell their members to go out and chase their friends and families. Now you ask yourself, do you want to do it? Are you thick skin enough to go and chase people to buy from you? Now even if you are thick skin enough, you would not want to do that for the rest of your life, correct?2. How would you respond to it?The second thing is you ask yourself how you would respond to it. If somebody chases after you with that kind of old school marketing method, harassing you until you buy their product or maybe join them in their business, what would you do? Would you buy from them? I don’t think you would. If you don’t even want to buy from people like them, just imagine yourself doing their marketing method, nobody would buy from you.3. Does it apply leverage?The third thing is does your company’s marketing system apply leverage? Internet is the biggest leverage of all; 1.4 billions users are on the internet every single day. Your product would be seen by 1.4 billions of users online. Now imagine that kind of leverage. Now, time leverage, for example does your company have a call center that will help you close sales while you’re doing your things? A predesigned website, prewritten emails follow up? So that you can concentrate on doing your things while your marketing system works for you 24/7, these kinds of marketing systems are what you should look for in a home based business.5. A Global Reach – Making Sales GloballyThe fifth thing is global reach. Does the home business have a global reach, meaning you could make sales globally from any part of the world?For example, when your market has ran out in the U.S, will you be able to sell your products in Europe, Asia, Australia, or any country in the world?Products like vitamins, pills, lotions, and health products are those that are hard to be sold globally. Every country has its own rules; you will have a lot of hoops to jump through before you’re approved to sell your products in other country.Information and financial education products are preferable. You can sell them in any country in this world you want. If the product is unable to be sold online then there’s no use in doing a home based business because the strength in a home based business it’s that you’re going to be making money from global sales.6. A Decent Compensation PlanThe sixth will be a decent compensation plan. A good compensation plan is one that offers a simple to understand, big upfront income, and also a decent residual income built in.What I meant by simple is that it is easy to understand. When you ran into compensation plan that is so confusing that you can’t understand it then don’t do it, chances are nobody will understand it.Second, always look for a home based business that offers a big upfront income, about $1,000+ per sale. So that you could quickly get out of your job and re-invest in your business so that you could achieve financial freedom really quick.After a big upfront income, you’d want a compensation plan that offers a decent residual income. So that you don’t have to work forever but still get paid for what you’ve done before, a lifestyle that you want without having to be bound by your job. I love what I’m doing.7. Giving Back To The SocietyNow last but not least, this is the thing that everybody overlooks and regards it as an unimportant aspect in a business, is your company giving back to the society? Now, every time your company does charity, giving back to the society, donating for social causes, they are indirectly building credibility online and offline.When people like your company, it will be easier for you to market and sell your products, correct? If you want to receive, first you must learn to give. That may sounds so cliché, but that is the universal law in all business, will it be home based business or brick and mortars.Now let’s summarize, what are the things to look for when you choose a home based business:1. A unique product2. A great support network3. An honest company management4. A good marketing system5. A global reach to sell your products6. A decent compensation plan7. A charitable companyIf the home business you’re looking for has all that criteria then you’re in good shape. It would be a mission impossible for you to fail in that home business. Now the main reasons I were able to present these advices were of course, I had those experiences. Where do I get it? The company I work with of course.

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