Common Video Marketing Problems That Can Hurt Your Campaign

Video marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular advertising tools for companies to utilize. People are gathering more information through online videos these days than any other form of content. While video marketing is a fantastic way for businesses to promote themselves and their product, there are some common problems that can be experienced that might hurt the success of a video campaign. Watch out for these:

Too Much Focus on Keywords – While tagging your video accurately and correctly is very important in your video being found online in search results, it’s more important to ensure that the video you produced is worth the watch. You can only get so many people to view your video through the use of tagging. If your video has great content it has much more potential to gain more viewers through viewer-to-viewer sharing. Focus on creating a great video first and then throw in some select keywords afterwards. The key here is quality over quantity.

Making Just One Video – With this subject quality and quantity are equally as important. Generally, when a company’s video goes viral that particular video is one of many they have produced. It’s important to not just focus all your energy into one video as it’s not guaranteed that video will generate the following you are seeking and may not be as well received as you’d hoped. Creating multiple quality videos over time is a good way to build a following, and when if you hit the jackpot with one of your videos there will already be a following there to help spread the word.

Not Timing Your Video’s Promotion Correctly – Usually a company produces a video to promote a product launch, trade show, live event, or presentation. However, many companies make the mistake of not putting enough effort into the promotion of their video before the event or release, and instead focus on the video promotion after the fact. This is a big mistake. Ensure that your business is spending more time promoting your video before, and then a little less afterwards.

No Calls To Action – A businesses video marketing campaign can be effectively worthless if it doesn’t entice viewers to follow up with you. How you institute a call-to-action is dependent on the goal you have in mind. Some good call-to-action strategies can include: promo codes, teasers, or contests. These are also good methods for tracking the viewership of your video and the success of your campaign.

Not Using Social Media – Social media is not something to be ignored as it is an essential tool to effectively promoting your video marketing campaign. YouTube is great, but don’t forget about Facebook and Twitter as these are the best ways to spread the word. YouTube even recognizes the importance of this and has added the ability to have new video notifications updated directly to your Facebook and Twitter.

Ignoring Email Marketing – Using email marketing in conjunction with video marketing should not be ignored, although many companies do. Many of your followers probably aren’t checking everyday to see if you have released new content, so it’s your duty to make them aware. If your users are signed up to receive notifications/newsletters/emails from your company be sure to include new video material updates in these emails.